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Change is Necessary for Growth

In nature the changing of the seasons helps the plants and trees to grow.  In the Fall or Autumn as some people call it, the leaves change their colours as the trees prepare for the Winter season.  This is so that they can save their energy to survive the harshness from the cold weather.

Then in Spring as the weather gets warmer, the trees begin to grow again with help from the rainy weather and more sunshine, and new buds turning into leaves are the results of their growth.  And by the time Summer comes around the trees grew some more, compared to where they were in the Fall.

Just like nature we will need to make changes in our life so that we can grow.  Your life journey will give you challenges that require your strength and relentlessness to push forward and overcome these obstacles.  This is like the Fall and Winter seasons for the trees, and during this time you will not feel like you are growing as you are in survival mode to overcome your challenging situation.  It is after you get through your challenge and have some time to reflect you will realize how much you have grown.

At this stage you are like the trees in the Summer season, shinning beautifully from the growth you gained from your challenges.  You would have learnt some things that give you more knowledge and wisdom.  And you take these lessons into your next journey, knowing that your growth has made you stronger mentally and physically, so when you are faced with another challenge you have the experience to endure the battle, push forward and rise again.  “We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty”. Maya Angelou

Change enables transformation and evolution, so you will need to know when to determine that something or someone is not helping you to grow into a better you. You will need to know when to let go of a toxic relationship, when you look for a better job opportunity or when to move to a new home, city, or country. Letting go of toxicity or negativity does not mean you cannot continue to love someone who create this energy in your life, you can love from a distance and still continue to wish this person to grow also.  

But first and foremost, you need to know your goals in life, what do you want to be remembered for, so that you can live the story you want to tell others.  Your mission in life is not just to survive, it is to thrive.  Do the things that you are passionate about with some compassion, humour and elegance. Life is also about having fun!

“Do the best you can until you know better.  Then when you know better, do better”. Maya Angelou. Make the change that is necessary for you to grow into a better you.  Follow your heart and intuition, do the things that bring peace within you and set your soul at ease. Let the magic of nature guide your path to make changes, so you can grow naturally into a better you.

4 Responses

  1. A very timely and beautiful reminder to many who have been in a quagmire for significant periods. While the imagery of splendor captivates the mind, it belies the arduous task and difficult decisions that must serve as the catalyst for change. The struggles of the caterpillar are real.

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